Wednesday 31 July 2013

My take on the right to die debate

Although I agree that a person should have the right to die if they desperately want to and their life is unbearable, I don't see how the patients will be protected from feeling bullied by family members who treat there disabled relatives as a burden and try to bully them into asking the doctor to be euthanized with the pretence of well-meaning sentiment like 'don't you think it's time for you to go'. I recall in GCSE history a Nazi propaganda piece of a disabled woman being 'persuaded' by her husband that euthanasia would be in her interests. So how long would it be before 'right to die' would be seen by carers who want to get on with their lives as a 'duty to die' and look down on people as selfish who decide they want to live on? This is one civil liberty which is yes needed, but also open to the most serious abuse when people realise there interests conflict with those of the people they are supposed to be looking after. So how much of this would be ‘I want to die’ compared with ‘My family would be better off without me’.

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